About us
Dirk Magdahl Ph.D, L.P.C.
Dr. Dirk Magdahl is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in adult psychotherapy in English, Spanish and German. He maintains a private practice in association with South Texas Behavioral Medicine in San Antonio, Texas. www.drmagdahl.com.
Dr. Magdahl is also a senior staff member of the Eupsychia Institute, A non-profit organization founded by the creator and inventor of Intergative Breathwork ( Jaqueline Small, LMSW). Visit www.Eupsychia.com in order to read more about the work, the many publications written by Jaqueline and all of their upcoming workshops.
He has over 20 years experience as a clinician working both in Mexico and the United States with a wide variety of clients. He holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology with a Minor in Sociology and a Masters of Arts degree in Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health and Substance Abuse from Saint Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. Later he obtained his Doctorate degree in Human Services and Professional Counseling from Walden University in Minneapolis Minnesota.
In addition, Dr. Magdahl has presented at National conferences and to general audiences on topics such as: stress management, burnout and compassion fatigue, psycho-somatization, communication skills, anxiety disorders, depression, balancing work and home life, psycho-spiritual integration and Integrative Breathwork.
Dr. Magdahl is a practical, interactive, solution-focused therapist. His treatment approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients resolve current problems and long-standing patterns. He incorporates a blend of conventional and alternatives approaches, drawing upon a variety of styles and techniques to incorporate what will be most helpful for each client. With sensitivity and compassion, he works with each client to help them build on their strengths to identify and achieve life goals.
He has spent numerous years in search for his own inner healing through participation in individual psychotherapy, experiential workshops, meditation, and traveling to remote areas of the world to learn about ancient shamanic practices. He strongly believes in the power of nature and transformation through exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Sandy Foster Morrison M.A., L.P.C.
A therapist cannot lead a client where they themselves have never been. Believing this to be wholly true, although I am a licensed therapist certified in the use of many therapeutic tools, as a human being I am still – and will always be – a work in process.The work that I have done and continue to do on myself is my greatest strength.
Therapists often work with their clients thinking and behaviors, modifying and correcting both which often result in significant change. In a midlife career shift I received my MA from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio and am licensed by the State of Texas. Both my master’s program and licensing lean heavily on the thinking and behaving aspect of psychotherapy. They are the framework of human behavior. Yet in my experience as a lifelong seeker of personal truth and healing, I identify the deepest healing results with inner work that surfaces what is hidden in the unconscious and brings it into the light of awareness.
Following the work of psychiatrist Carl Jung and mythologist Joseph Campbell and practicing experiential therapies – Gestalt, Focusing, Eriksonian Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, Psychodrama, Journaling, Integrative Breathwork – brings me the greatest satisfaction as I midwife a client’s awareness and guide them as they integrate the wholeness of their being – mind/emotions/body/spirit.
I maintain a private practice in San Antonio and live in a loft overlooking the San Antonio River – the source of endless peace and inspiration. For expanded thoughts on holistic healing check out easy-to-access articles on my website: http://sandyfostermorrison.com/index.htm
I especially like Mining the Unconscious which discusses the realm of psychotherapeutic approaches…with a special emphasis on the imaginal world of the unconscious.
Allison Barnes
My work experience includes 13 years in the medical field as Registered Nurse within varied settings including critical care, trauma, and emergent care. I have worked with people of all ages, from pediatric emergencies to geriatrics facing end of life. This experience has gifted me with the ability to relate to individuals across the life span, and to relate to a vast amount of life experiences. It is through facing the human condition, embracing challenges, and a willingness to do inner work that we all grow together. I feel passionate about being the best version of myself in order to create a positive impact in this world. In other words, I am committed to my own personal growth in order to do my part. Integrative Breathwork has been a catalyst for my own personal growth.
Other related personal experience of mine is recovery from addiction. This is something I now view as a gift. My personal experience helps me to relate to those suffering from an addictive disorder, and that experience has given me the knowledge that there is a way through. It is possible to break free from addiction and live a life that is joyous and purposeful. It is by my participation in a recovery community in conjunction with Integrative Breathwork that I have found my purpose and passion for life. Part of this discovery has led me to pursue education to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, and I am currently a student in Austin embarking on this new path.
In June of 2015, I became a certified facilitator of Integrative Breathwork with Eupsychia, founded by Jacquelyn Small. Out of gratitude for the profound impact this work has had in my life, I am committed to carrying this work into the world. Other practices that I am involved with are drum circles, yoga, guided imagery, and Shamanism. I am committed to education, personal growth and all practices that are intentional, enhancing spiritual growth and connection with my True Self. I look forward to meeting my fellow travelers on this path of authenticity.